A Masonic website of the Freemasons, by a Freemason, for the Freemasons whithersoever dispersed. "Sit Lux et Lux Fuit."

Archive for August, 2013

The Grim Reality

SPEAKING OF COWANS, last month we went to Las Vegas to attend my wife’s high school reunion.
I saw a guy wearing a baseball cap with a huge Masonic logo emblazoned on the front. So I asked him the easiest question every Mason knows pertaining to the master builder. He didn’t seem to get it.
I asked him again, this time with a very direct question: “I always see that logo everywhere I go, what does it represents?”
Credit him for being honest, this was his curt reply in Tagalog translated into English: “I really don’t know what this symbol means but this is a Mason logo. My friend gave this to me because he said this is what he wears when he wants to drive fast, as in really fast, in the Philippines so the cops won’t stop him.”
He added: “I’m wearing this because he said here in the U.S. I can get discounts in some stores if they see the logo and it’s true. The guy in the food court who works at Chipotle said he will become a Mason soon and he did not let us pay for our foods (him and his friends). Isn’t that great?”
I asked: “Your friend who gave you that cap, is he a Mason?”
He replied: “No he’s not but he knows some of their handshakes because his boss does that all the time with the other Masons. Hey, if they can get privileges at some point why couldn’t we…makes sense right?”
This is so sad but this is also the grim reality we are facing today.
When people learned our ways (good or bad, that’s up to you) through our indiscretions, and they’re clever enough to employ them to manipulate the system, soon the world will view us and our beloved Fraternity with disdain and great disfavor.
From erstwhile honorable, we will soon be looked at as purely a society of abusive and usurping fellows wielding unsparingly the hatchets of economic and social savagery — not exactly in the class of sheer banditry but somewhere a few rungs higher.
If we want to prevent this, change must begin in us. From within.
The ball is always in your court. It’s your call!
Masonic cap